Summer Camp Prepares Scouts for LIFE
Scout summer camp takes it to a new level through an immersive, intense Scouting experience. It’s a good, exhausting time. But, rest assured, parents: while skits and songs are encouraged, camp’s not all about fun and games around the campfire or even knocking out a few merit badges. It’s about giving young people an opportunity to build the foundation of leadership skills and personal character that will stay with them and set them up for success later in life.
Camp Olmsted
3123 Roper Hollow Road
Russell, PA 16345
2022 Summer Camp Dates
- July 10 to 15
Important Deadlines
- April 22: $50.00 Per Camper Deposit Due
- May 2: Full Payment Due For Early Bird Discount
- May 6: Merit Badge Request Forms Due
- June 3: Registration Closes
2022 Fees
- Scouts $390 ($345 early bird*)
- Out of Council add $25
- One free leader for every 10 youth attending / $50 for each additional leader
*For early bird discount to be applied, a $50 per camper deposit must be paid prior by April 22
Advancement Opportunities
In addition to working on rank advancement, Camp Olmsted offers a wide selection of Merit Badges. This includes many Eagle Required badges.
Situated on the Kinzua Reservoir in the midst of the Allegheny National Forest, Camp Olmsted provides nearly 500 acres of natural woodlands and offers a 31 mile waterfront with water-skiing, motorboating, and sailing, in addition to the more traditional water activities of swimming, lifesaving, and BSA Lifeguard.
Other program features include a wide array of Nature Merit badges and activities, an excellent Handicraft Lodge with opportunities to learn leatherwork, Indian crafts, woodcarving and more!
The Field Sports Area features archery, .22 caliber rifles, shotguns, and trap shooting!
Scoutcraft skills are a big part of the camp program. The Scoutcraft Area specializes in teaching wilderness survival, camping, cooking, and pioneering skills.
Scouts attending camp for the first year will have the opportunity to participate in their own special program with other first-year Scouts. Earning your way to First Class will be the emphasis of the “Cornplanter Braves” program.
Whether this is your first year or you are a returning veteran of several seasons at Camp Olmsted, you’ll find new and exciting adventures behind every tree and/or rock!
High adventure opportunities abound at Camp Olmsted! Learn to climb and rappel on the camp’s climbing tower or spend a few days on the reservoir.
Camp Olmsted is a Nationally Accredited Boy Scout Camp. This means we adhere to a set of standards that drive us to excellence in providing Scouting’s promise to youth. Each year our camp goes through rigorous review of our program and our camp to assure we are providing a safe environment for Scouts and the very best program possible.
Just For Parents
Boy Scout Summer Camp a game with a purpose. A game that goes beyond video games and smart phones. A game that teaches leadership skills. And a game that promotes the core values of the Scout Oath and Law. Scout Camp is the single most important activity in a youth’s Scouting life.
Read about the “Benefits Every Parent Should Know.”
Arrival and Departure
Troop leaders are responsible for their Scout’s arrival at camp between 9:00 and 11:00 AM on Sunday morning. Be prompt but not early. Scouts will be checked-in with their troop and then assigned to a site.
When the camping period is concluded on Friday evening, Troop leaders are responsible for making arrangements with parents to pick-up their Scouts up at their meeting place.
Scouts may not check-out or leave camp at any time with anyone but their parents.
Trading Post
A well stocked Trading Post is open during scheduled periods throughout each day. The Trading Post offers Scouts, Scouters, and visitors a chance to purchase Scouting literature, craft kits, tee shirts, patches, mugs, snacks, drinks, and much more.
Medical Examinations
All Scouts and Leaders attending our camp must have an “Annual Health and Medical Record. ” Parts A and B are filled out by the parents or guardian and Part C must be completed by a certified and licensed physician (MD, DO), nurse practitioner, or physician assistant.
Medical screenings will be conducted for everyone during check-in at camp.
All medicines are to be checked in to the Health Officer at check-in. Camp Olmsted requires written verification for the administration of any medications, in addition to the prescription on the container. This same policy applies to over-the-counter medicine.
Chief Cornplanter Scouts or Scouters attending Camp Olmsted will be covered under the Council’s Secondary Health and Accident Policy. This does not cover medical bills due to sickness or injuries that occurred before camp.
Camp Refund Policy
Camping fees are not refundable, unless written notice is received at the Council Service Center two (2) weeks prior to the start of the camp period. Emergency cancellations (less than two (2) weeks) due to death in the family, illness, or severe injury, etc. will be handled on a case by case review. No refund requests will be considered after the camp period has begun.
Camper fees may be transferred to another Scout (camper) within the same unit.
A 25% administrative fee will be deducted from all refund requests. Refunds will be issued only to the individual that made the payment and whose name appears on the receipt.
If cancelled because of COVID-19 restrictions, Troops will be entitled to a full refund.
More Information
Betts Scout Service Center
(814) 723-6700